About Sacco Imports
The Sacco Family history can be traced back in time to the “Regnu de Sicilia.”
in the 11th Century. Sicily had many settlers as far back as the 2nd Century BC. They came from all lands to settle in the beautiful Island of Sicily which enjoys ideal soil and climate to cultivate olives.
In fact, wild olive trees have grown in Sicily. Believed to be the island’s oldest olive tree the “Olivo de Innari is 2,081 years old, planted during Roman occupation (212BC). The ancient Elyamians, Sicanians and Sicels date back as far as 1200 BC and predate the settlers from Rome, Phoenicia, Greece, Germanic, Byzantine and so many more. The Kingdom of the three Sicilies was established in 1648 and included Sicily, Naples, and Sardinia. Palermo was named its capital.
There are many historic variations to this story, however there is one constant. The Sicilian love for olive oil has developed over many centuries. The island of Sicily has been a significant contributor to the development of the world’s olive oil industry through hundreds of centuries.
Today, Sacco Imports is honored to share the tastes for the world’s finest olives oils and aged balsamics as seen through our eyes. We invite you to enjoy traveling our website and hope you decide to purchase your favorite selection.
Why Our Logo Includes a Dragonfly
Some spiritual seekers believe that loved ones who have passed away send us signs through the dragonfly.
It is said that "Seeing dragonflies is symbolic of a loved one who has passed on from this earth. They are sending messages to you to help you feel loved and find an answer you may be searching for."
Dragonflies, one of the oldest known insects, are as old as the dinosaurs. Attracted to boggy, wet areas, they are often found hanging around garden ponds and fountains.
In almost every part of the world, the dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The change that is often referred to has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life.
The dragonfly is a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries. The dragonfly means hope, change, and love.
Sacco Imports only imports olive oil produced by independent farmers using sustainable farming methods. Supporting Sacco Imports with your purchase, you are helping to ensure that the oldest olive oil communities worldwide continue to thrive while you savor the Mediterranean’s most exquisite olive oils.
Coming Soon
Discover our private label collection of extra virgin olive oils, balsamic vinegars, and infused oils.